First Blog Post of 2013

Let’s wrap up 2012. Here we are January 3, of the New Year, twenty-thirteen. Last year at this time I set out to do all the things that I wanted to do from the year before and that was to promote this website. With the help from people from the shopping cart and their suggestions it has helped. With their suggestions of blogging and writing descriptive content describing products and other miscellaneous suggestions it finally paid with more sales throughout the whole year. We sold almost everything on our website with Greek picture frames selling the most.

The new products included wooden magnets with phrases that would suite a refrigerator and the kitchen of course. The Moutza ‘Na’ magnet has been made seems everyone that I sell a magnet too remarks about John Kass the Chicago Columnist who often writes about who desires the Moutza of the month.

The koutala, Greek wooden spoon, engraved with more Greek phrases have been popular with the folks in Australia. Bad words and thoughts have been added to the home Greek sign collection.

Kantyli is looking forward to the New Year for more innovation and website developing and marketing. There’s a pile of inspiration and sketches in this pile of paper. Occasionally some of those sketches have turned into REAL products and have sold. This year we are hoping to bring more wall decorations for home and Greek business and a few surprises too. There's gotta be a good idea in here somewhere.

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